Polska droga Fiata

liter one, soon to be followed by a 4-cylinder 1.3 liter engine planned for the future. Both of them represent a new global family of small FCA engines named FireFly. These rather small but powerful powertrains boast the highest torque in their respective segments, low fuel consumption, and reduced CO2 emission levels. The huge investment required for the Bielsko FCA plant marks another stage of developing and modernizing the family of engines offered by the company and meets the expectations of the environmentally friendly policy fostered by the European Union. Successes and New Challenges Almost a century earlier, in January 1921, Fiat took its first steps in Poland. Since those pioneer years which witnessed the production startup until today, the FCA Group’s continuous support for their operations in this country has resulted in a huge success. Today, it is the largest manufacturer and a leading exporter of cars in Poland. Ever since its inception through the end of 2017, Fiat Auto Poland manufactured 8.2 million cars (of which more than 6.2 million were sold for export) and 6.8 million engines. With the FSM production included, the Bielsko-Tychy plants may rightfully boast a record number of 11.5 million assembled cars. The successes FCA has posted in Poland so far, combined with new challenges and investment projects undertaken or planned by the Group, are a testimony to unwavering commitment to the development of their Polish production plants and its contribution to the prosperous future of the Polish industry. 10 maja 2018 r., dwumilionowy Fiat 500 10 May 2018, The Two Millionth Fiat 500 Sukcesy i nowe wyzwania Prawie wiek temu, w styczniu 1921 roku, Fiat sta- wiał w Polsce swoje pierwsze kroki. Od pionierskiego na tamte czasy uruchomienia produkcji po dzieƒ dzi- siejszy Grupa FCA nieustannie rozwijała swojà działal- noÊç i osiàgn´ła ogromny sukces w naszym kraju. Jest obecnie najwi´kszym w Polsce producentem samocho- dów i czołowym eksporterem. Od powstania spółki Fiat Auto Poland do koƒca 2017 roku wyprodukowano tu 8,2 miliona samochodów (z czego na eksport trafiło ponad 6,2 mln) oraz 6,8 miliona silników. Gdyby uwzgl´dniç produkcj´ FSM, bielsko-tyskie zakłady mogà poszczyciç si´ rekordowà liczbà 11,5 mln wy- produkowanych aut. Dotychczasowe sukcesy FCA w Polsce, a tak˝e nowe wyzwania i inwestycje podejmowane przez Grup´ to Êwiadectwo nieustajàcego zaanga˝owania w rozwój pol- skich zakładów produkcyjnych oraz jej wkład w rozkwit polskiego przemysłu. 83