Polska droga Fiata
Przełom dzięki World Class Manufacturing W tym czasie, w celu standaryzacji procedur we wszystkich zakładach Grupy, władze Fiata zdecydowały si´ wprowadziç w 2006 roku World Class Manufactu- ring, zintegrowanà metodologi´ zarzàdzania przedsi´- biorstwem według najwy˝szych standardów Êwiatowych w zakresie bezpieczeƒstwa, ochrony Êrodowiska natu- ralnego, utrzymania ruchu, logistyki i jakoÊci. WCM obejmuje tradycyjne i znane ju˝ w fabryce modele za- rzàdzania: Total Quality Control, Total Productive Ma- intenance, Total Industrial Engineering, Just in Time i Lean Manufacturing. Jednak, integrujàc je w ramach jednego modelu, wprowadza do niego jeszcze aspekt ekonomiczny, za pomocà którego mierzy si´ 100 HP version to an LPG version. Production of the new Fiat 500 started in 2007; and the model was officially unveiled in Turin on July 4, exactly fifty years to the day of its famous predecessor’s debut. A year later, it became the second car manufactured by Fiat Auto Poland to win the prestigious title of “Car of the Year”. No other plant in Europe had ever turned out two “Cars of the Year” simultaneously. In 2008, under a cooperation agreement signed by the automotive sector of the Fiat Group and Ford Motor Company, the Tychy plant launched the production of the successor to the Ford Ka car. To accommodate production of new models the plant was expanded and modernized at a cost of Euro 300 million. Plant expansion and modernization covered all the industrial areas. The welding shop was enlarged and equipped with new robotic lines: every workstation now had optoelectronic control devices that performed non- contact measurements of the entire car body using an optical beam. The assembly department received a new production hall covering 30 thousand square meters where two new lines were installed. The new Paint Shop capable of handling over 720 car bodies per day was later upgraded to handle 920. The new shop joined an existing paint shop, first opened in 1992, which was also expanded. Altogether, the number of robots working in the plant grew from 400 to 950. Seventeen years after the buyout of the FSM plant, Fiat doubled the size of the Tychy Plant and tripled its capacity, exceeding even the boldest projections of the engineers who had designed it in the early 70's. 78 Lancia Ypsilon
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