Polska droga Fiata

opportunity to show its potential and commitment to work as the youngest member of the Fiat Group family. Since 1995, the plants had been focusing on implementing a new methodology called “Efficient Factory” or “Lean Production” at the time. Developed for an integrated model of an Italian factory, it was implemented by Fiat in all its plants. What was needed was a transition to a work system based on self- certification of the line workers and preventive maintenance of all the machinery and systems (Total Productive Maintenance). As a result, in September 1996, Fiat Auto Poland won an ISO 9001 Quality Assurance Certificate awarded by TÜV CERT, RWTÜV division, Polish Center for Testing and Certification (PCBC) and IQ Net. For the first time in Europe, RWTÜV certified an entire automotive plant, including the entire integrated system – from design to after sales service. Fiat Auto Poland became the first company in the Fiat Group to win the ISO certificate. The implementation of assorted other certified quality systems allowed the Company to obtain the Integrated Management System for Quality, Environment, and Occupational Health and Safety Certificate in 2002. Soon after, the Company decided to run in national quality competitions (winning the Polish Quality Award at the first try in 2004), then in the EFQM competition (European Foundation Quality Management). The hard work produced excellent results. A little more than a year after the Company had decided to implement the EFQM system, the Tychy plant won the “Recognized for Excellence 2005” silnika turbodiesel Multijet 1.3. Wyposa˝ona w ten sil- nik Panda stała si´ w 100% polskim produktem. ˚aden inny producent samochodowy nie posunàł si´ w inwe- stycjach w naszym kraju tak daleko jak Fiat. Zwa˝yw- szy na niewielkie rozmiary polskiego rynku, ponad 90% produkcji nowego modelu trafiło na eks- port. Jego powodzenie było tak˝e sukcesem polskiego przemysłu: 80% podzespołów i komponentów po- wstało w Polsce, ich zagraniczny zbyt – pod postacià gotowego samochodu – stanowił ponad 2,5% wartoÊci polskiego eksportu. Z ka˝dym rokiem Fiat Panda cieszył si´ niesłabnàcà popularnoÊcià wÊród klientów na całym Êwiecie. W miar´ upływu czasu model podstawowy uzupełniały coraz atrakcyjniejsze wersje: od Pandy 4x4 i Pandy Cross z nap´dem integralnym, poprzez wersj´ z silnikiem 1.3 Multijet, do sportowej 100 HP i wersji LPG. 76 Fiat 500 na linii montażowej Fiat 500 on the assembly line