Polska droga Fiata

Auto SpA International Operations Director Guglielmo Capra in the presence of Prime Minister – Mrs. Hanna Suchocka. Once the preconditions for the Closing Date had been fulfilled, the parties increased the share capital on September 15, 1993, whereby the State Treasury of the Republic of Poland raised the capital of the new entity by an in-kind contribution of, inter alia, the Small Engine Car Plant FSM SA. Thus, the privatization of FSM SA, which had begun with a Memorandum of Understanding of October 11, 1991, came to an end. Fiat Auto SpA obtained a 90 percent stake in the new company that took the name Fiat Auto Poland SA. In the meantime, production of a new Fiat model started in Tychy. The Cinquecento entered the market in 1991 to become the best selling Fiat model in Poland only two years later. The Cinquecento accounted for two-thirds of the entire 250 thousand cars manufactured in Poland in 1994, with Fiat 126p cars making up the balance. Tricky Autonomy At the time Fiat took over, FSM operated more like a confederation of twenty independent and spread out entities, each managed as a separate company. Together they represented the production potential that FSM needed to deliver the final product. This state of affairs was the result of a process of decentralization begun in the early 80’s and part of a program aimed at allowing local management of the Polish industry more room and independence. Operating as independent entities, they frequently competed with one another, bought W przedsi´biorstwie nie istniała skutecznie działajà- ca struktura kierownicza, co stało si´ êródłem olbrzy- mich problemów organizacyjnych. Ka˝dy zakład miał własny system ksi´gowy. W zaopatrzeniu nie było ko- ordynacji działaƒ i ekonomiki zakupów, mimo ˝e wie- le zakładów kupowało u tych samych dostawców cz´- sto te same lub podobne wyroby. Dostawcy, pracujàc wyłàcznie na potrzeby FSM, nie musieli konfrontowaç swych wyrobów z innymi producentami, co obni˝ało ich konkurencyjnoÊç. Wielu z nich było wr´cz własno- Êcià FSM, która nie mogła szukaç innych êródeł zaopa- trzenia nawet wtedy, gdy za niskà jakoÊç trzeba było płaciç wysokie ceny. Dla osiàgni´cia wy˝szej jakoÊci i zlikwidowania marnotrawstwa, nale˝ało zatem rady- kalnie zreformowaç system. Pierwszym krokiem w tym 65